In this edition:
1) Sept meeting wrap up
2) Oct meeting agenda
3) ***New from Fidei Defensor: Pamphlets!*
Sept Meeting Wrap up
The Sept meeting was out first meeting using The Essential Catholic Survival Guide. There were many positive comments about the reading. We never quite got to formulating the information into a memorable conversation - that will be part of next months meeting. We ended up having a great conversation about talking to people with little or no faith at all. Here's a blog I did a while back that covers much of what we talked about:
Oct meeting: **Next Meeting is Oct 24th. 8:00, Gehl Center** Mark your calendars!
Agenda: 1) How to easily remember and talk about Peter's authority
Reading about it is one thing, but actually explaining it to another person is quite another. We'll explain how to do it and even practice a bit.
2) Grace: How we are saved. ***Reading Assignment Chapters 28, 29, 30 and if we get time 31.
Getting a proper understanding of what Grace is and what it does helps us have conversations with people about things like: Salvation, Justification, Sanctification, Baptism, the Eucharist, being "Born Again" etc. In the spirit of putting first things first, we're going to be learning about Grace - God's life living in us.
**New** we now offer pamphlets.
We have quite a number on various topics from St. Paul Street Evangelization but we're just rolled two pamphlets of our own: "Abortion: Some Questions to Consider" and " 'Rome vs the Bible' vs Reality"
"Abortion: Some Questions to Consider" takes the emotion out of the equation. It deals with the intellectual arguments, agreeing with the valid concerns of Pro-choice advocates, where possible, but showing how those concerns actually point to a Pro-Life view. Great to hand out at Pro-Life rallies.
" 'Rome vs the Bible' vs Reality" is a response to the popular anti-Catholic pamphlet "Rome vs the Bible". It takes each argument and shows where the writers of the pamphlet failed to either present actual Catholic teaching, or failed to take into account the Whole Bible... or both. Great to have at Catholic events, like Walk to Mary, where anti-Catholics will be handing out the error filled pamphlet.
Coming soon: "Sola Scriptura vs the Bible and History"; "Sola Fide vs the Bible and History" and "Protestantism vs the Bible and History"
For information on how to get one of these, or any of the St. Paul Street Evangelization pamphlets on a huge variety of topics, just contact us at this email address.
"Be ever ready with a response for the hope that is in you" can mean having a pamphlet to hand to someone!
God Bless,
Fidei Defensor
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