Saturday, April 11, 2015

How Do We Know the Tomb Was Empty?

Maybe the Apostle's Just Lied About it?

In follow up to a previous post, instead of providing an alternative explanation some may challenge the Bare Minimum Facts themselves, rather than try to find another explanation.

In a quick review:  Most historians, looking at the Gospels as just historical documents, agree on four facts about Jesus' death and resurrection.  1) Jesus Died on a cross and was placed in a tomb.

2) The tomb was discovered empty

3) Many claimed to have seen Jesus alive after being crucified

4) The disciples attitudes changed 180 degrees from hiding from the authorities, afraid for their lives; to boldly preaching Jesus Christ Resurrected from the dead to the point of dying for it.

In the previous post we took a brief look at an attack on the fact that Jesus died on the cross.  Books like the one I saw at my local library - which I will not name - push this idea.  The late forensic pathologist and medical examiner Dr. Fredrick Zugibe's book "The Crucifixion of Jesus" shows from a medical perspective it is unthinkable that Jesus survived the scourging and crucifixion.

Today, we'll look at another attack on the four bare minimum facts: "How do you know the tomb was empty?" I mean, maybe Jesus' body is still there?

J-E-T-S Jets, Jets, Jets!

Thanks to Trent Horn, of Catholic Answers, we can answer this by remembering to tell the person, "Just cool your J.E.T.S." (No I'm not suddenly a New York Football fan.) The acronym JETS can help us remember the four supports for why we know the tomb was empty:

J = Jerusalem. The empty tomb was first preached first in Jerusalem. This would be kind of like someone saying an alien space craft crashed just a mile or two away. If you wanted to see if it was true, you'd just go there!  Christianity would have never gotten off the ground if all the authorities had to do was walk down to the next block over, roll away the stone and show everyone interested that Jesus' body was actually rotting in the tomb.  Anyone could have done this and not wasted even an hour out of their day.

E = Enemy Attestation. Even Jesus' enemies concede that the tomb was empty. They had to pay the guards to say the Disciples stole the body thus giving an explanation for why the tomb was empty.  Again, all Jesus' enemies had to do to shut the whole thing down was drag out Jesus' dead body and all of Christianity would have ceased.  As a matter of fact, even to this day, all anyone has to do is find Jesus' dead body, bring it out and all of Christianity would cease.  Christianity is the easiest disprovable religion in the world... if it isn't true.

T = Testimony of women. Unlike today, in ancient times the testimony of women was viewed as being less reliable then that of a man's. In the words of the famous philosopher, James Hetfield, "Sad but True..." So, if you wanted to make up a story that Jesus' tomb was empty who would you use? Mary Magdalene - a woman of ill repute?  Or maybe Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two men, and Sanhedrin members? Given the culture, it was a really poor idea to have the empty tomb be first proclaimed by women.  You would only do this... if it were true.

S = Simple. The Gospel accounts of Jesus' Resurrection are very simple. Jesus just Rose. Compare this to the fictitious accounts hundreds of years later where everyone is gathered around the tomb, a huge angel rolls away the stone, first the cross comes out and starts talking to everyone, then Jesus comes out and he's like 500 ft tall!

In modern witness statements, truthful witnesses are more likely to state things very simply. People who are trying to deceive or with hold some information, are more likely to make very elaborate statements.

Let us continue to proclaim with confidence backed by history and logic:


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